Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 8th Class work.. it was a lot of fun.

I'm a little late in getting this posted up but since I have the time today I wanted to make sure that it's posted on the blog. Tuesday's class we went over some different brushes and used the normal brush and mixer brush to draw a wadded up blanket. Although I didn't get done drawing the second version of the blanket, I did notice that the two brushes I was working with function very different from one another and the fact that I like the Charcoal Flat brush. It's very versatile in what it can do and is now my favorite brush to do sketch work with. Below is a list of the brushes and presets I picked out for that day's in class work.

Brush Preset: Natural Brushes
Brush: Charcoal 59 pixels

Preset: Dry Media
Brush:  Charcoal Flat

Preset: Wet Media Brushes
Brush: Rough Dry Brush

Preset:  Calligraphic Brushes
Brush: Oval 60 px

Preset: Faux Finish Brushes
Brush:  Texture Comb 1

When I tried using the Rough Dry Brush, it was sort of difficult to use it with the mixer brush because of the four settings you have to play with in order to get the correct texture or effect you're going for. I felt like I was spending more time adjusting brush settings with it than I was actually painting. I much rather mess around with pen pressure and opacity of the normal paint brush tool than constantly changing tool settings.

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