Monday, September 9, 2013

Painting A Spaceship Hull Texture

I love the atmosphere that creating custom textures could create for a project, such as a fantasy landscape painting, a spaceship, a wall of a building, or even a vehicle of some kind exploding. The complex colors working with each other to create an entire piece that makes up the whole work of art is impressive. Simple layer styles and color combinations with the proper working of tools can help accomplish wondrous works of art that can be sold as prints to clients.

It gives me a grasp of hope that if enough hard work is applied to practicing these kinds of simple techniques in Photoshop, I could create the designs for the company that I wish to create when I'm done with school and have my BS in Business Administration. It's techniques like the spaceship hull texture painting that give me the perspective that I could achieve these sorts of things with enough application and dedication.

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